Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Know Why I Can't See Your Face.

Hello There, updating time. I've been occupying myself with studies because Trial is just around the corner. Haha, stress memanjang la this exam season not to mention the hectic exam schedules the school made (Add. Maths, Pend. Islam and Sejarah are all in the same week).

Anyways, this is a post to wish you muslims Happy Berpuasa. Go out there and play some firecrackers, I know I'm gonna burn something massive this festive season :). Sape2 yang belom bertobat then this would be a perfect month to do so.

Haih, sabar je la.

I had this random conversation with Bryant. It was something like this.

Awi : Weh Bryant Mok Mok.
Bryant : Apa?
Awi : Weh, jom puasa!
Bryant : yeh! Jom!

*after about half an hour
Awi : Weh Bryant, camne puasa?
Bryant : Baru abis makan kerepek. Lapar..
Awi : -.-

This is our way of releasing stress during exam season. Jamming! I have a few videos to upload but can't, the files are too big. Maybe next time :)

Our new jamming studio.

From left : Awi(vocalist), Faris(drummer), Bryant(Bassist), Khong(Guitarist)


Proud to own this. Made by Desmond

She had the eyes of angel with a heart like a traitor,
And a gun with a trigger in her hand pointed at her,
We always knew you'd go up in flames,
We always knew you'd go out with a band.

Drop Dead, Gorgeous - Dressed For Friends Request

Lesson of the day : I'm an achiever.

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